South Wharf- it’s where it’s at. This year, celebrate New Year’s Eve in complete style as H2o takes it back to the ever popular South Wharf Waterfront – clearly the place to be. You see, if you want to be right where the action is, then look no further as NYE H2o promises to bring in the new year in utter style. Right in front of the fireworks you will be in awe as the night sky above you, lights up signalling the start of a New Year – a time to celebrate and party on! Get your dance moves happening and dress to impress cause this year H2o brings a stunning repertoire of DJs, entertainers and dancers to get you into party mode and dance the night away. And if you want a break from dancing, step outside, enjoy a champagne and catch up with your crew on the year that was and cheers to a year that will be… At NYE H2o at South Wharf, you are certainly starting the New Year in the perfect location and in utter style!! The aerial photo of out location, says it all!! Welcome to NYE H2o – bring on summer! See you all at the bar, its going to be massive event!!